April 26, 2021: Census 2020: First results show near historically low population growth and a first-ever congressional seat loss for California

Brookings/William Frey: The first results of the 2020 census are finally here, definitively showing that the 2010s saw the second-lowest population growth in the nation’s history. Among all 50 states, 37 grew more slowly in the 2010s than in the previous decade, and three states lost population—the largest number of such states since the 1980s. The constitutionally mandated reapportionment of members of Congress based on the 2020 census indicates a reallocation of seven seats across various states—most notably, the first-ever loss of a seat for California.


May 1, 2021 ' Every ounce' mattered: How Minnesota saved eighth seat in U.S. House A margin of 26 people helped state beat out N.Y.


April 26, 2021: 2020 Census Apportionment Results Delivered to the President