April 26, 2021: 2020 Census Apportionment Results Delivered to the President

First 2020 Census Data Release Shows U.S. Resident Population of 331,449,281

Based on the 2020 Census apportionment population counts, 7 House seats will shift among 13 states. One state will gain two seats (Texas), and 5 states will gain one seat (Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina, and Oregon). Seven states will lose one seat (California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia). [Note: MInnesota retained 8 congressional seats, by a margin of 89 people]

Take a closer look at the 2020 Census population and apportionment data released today on America Counts.


April 26, 2021: Census 2020: First results show near historically low population growth and a first-ever congressional seat loss for California


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